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It’s like summer camp... only cooler!​

​Every February, churches and groups from across Texas gather at Lakeview for a weekend of worship, adventure, and connection. From powerful messages and dynamic worship to zip-lining, silent disco, and the legendary polar plunge, Mid-Winter is an unforgettable experience designed to recharge and refocus hearts on God.

Mid-Winter 2025 may be over, but we’re already thinking about what’s next! While we wait for next year’s details, take a look back at some of the incredible moments from Mid-Winter 2025.






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Here are some of the most commonly asked questions. If you have any others please do not hesitate to call our main office at (903)-538-2711.


Will my child be safe while at camp?

While there is always a fundamental risk to being at camp, Lakeview’s number one priority is the safety of our campers, guests, and staff. We make every effort to make sure our safety standards and practices are the best that they can be. The health and welfare of our camp community will always be our top concern.

Church Payments

What if my church is going to pay a portion of my camper's fees?

If your church or district has decided to subsidize the cost of camp, they will be able to make a payment on your behalf. Your church leader should provide you with further details as needed. Once a payment is received, it will be posted to your account.

Lakeview Scholarships

Does Lakeview offer financial assistance for campers?

We believe that financial hardships should not be a reason why campers can't participate at camp. That's why Lakeview offers camp scholarships for those who financially qualify. Because resources are limited Lakeview is unable to fund 100% of any camp fee. Recipients are expected to participate financially in some way. The scholarship is determined based on the number of household members and total household income.

This assistance is given independent of any assistance that the local church may offer and on a first come first serve bases. The application is accessible during the online registration process. Notification of acceptance will be emailed with amount of scholarship


How will medication (prescription, otc, vitamins, supplements) be dispensed during the camp session?

All medications will be dispensed by our onsite medical staff during the session. Medications are typically dispensed during breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. In an effort to make the medication distribution process more manageable, we are asking parents to only send prescription or essential over- the-counter medications. Campers and staff are not allowed to keep any medications in their cabins. Please be sure to check in all medications to our infirmary during check-in.


What is the selection process for Lakeview summer staff?

We take a great deal of pride in the selection of our staff. Prospective counselors go through a comprehensive application process which includes a background check, an intensive application, references and a personal interview with one of the camp staff. An extensive training program is provided at the start of the summer season. Staff members are trained on topics such as child development, how to recognize, prevent, and take action against bullying, behavior management, risk management, emergency procedures, Bible study/small group, and much more. During the summer, staff are supervised and evaluated by members of our camp leadership team and full-time staff.

Our adult volunteer counselors in each cabin are trained on topics such as child development, how to recognize, prevent, and take action against bullying, behavior management, emergency procedures, and much more. In addition to training, each volunteer must be recommended by the church they come with and complete the safe sanctuary child abuse awareness and prevention certification. 


Volunteer Counselor Ratio

How many volunteer counselors does my church need to provide?

This one is for church leaders! We require churches to provide 1 adult per 5 campers (gender specific) and we always round up. (example: if your church has 6 female campers and 3 male campers, you must provide 2 adult female volunteer counselors and 1 adult male volunteer counselor).


What is Lakeview's camper to counselor ratio?

We strive to provide the best possible experience for your child. At a minimum, Lakeview has a 7:1 camper to counselor ratio in the cabin. This allows us to create a meaningful experience and maximize the time campers get to spend with their role models in small groups.

Contact With Your Camper 

Can I call or visit my camper?

One of the most significant elements of the camp experience is learning independence. It’s hard to be apart; however, kids adjust to camp life much more easily than we often assume. Typically, we find that there are many more kidsick parents than homesick campers! If a camper does become homesick, hearing a parent’s voice can intensify sad feelings. Therefore, we do not have campers talk to parents on the phone or allow visitation from parents.​​​​​​

Home Sickness

How does Lakeview deal with homesickness?

Homesickness is a reality of overnight camping, but one of the unique experiences of camping is allowing campers to gain a sense of independence. All of our counselors go through an extensive staff training before the summer begins that includes helping with a homesick camper. If a camper is homesick, our counselors will do their best to comfort the camper. If the homesickness persists, our staff will talk with the camper and will connect with parents to find the best strategies for helping the camper through the session. Although we have campers each session who will wrestle with some homesickness, it is extremely rare that a camper will need to be sent home. Campers who stick it out will gain an incredible sense of independence!


Does Lakeview allow phones, video games, or other electronic devices?

Kids spend on average 52 hours a week in front of an electronic screen. We believe in teaching kids how to be extraordinary without being tied to electronic screens, so we do not allow phones, video games or cameras. This policy gives children the gift of a technology free environment — a place where campers, counselors, and staff are fully present with each other, transporting them to a place where we can forge relationships that last a lifetime.

Inclement Weather

What happens when there is inclement weather while my child is at camp?

If the rain is light and steady, and there is no risk of lightning, campers will still be able to walk to the activities and programs planned for the day. Our full-time staff monitor the weather at all times and check to make sure lightning and heavy rain is outside of the set range around camp. If lightning does happen to come within the designated range, then we will make sure all the campers and staff are safe inside a building. We will then proceed with pre-planned activities that are in place in the occasion of needing to be indoors.


What is Lakeview's bullying policy?

We encourage all campers to treat each other with respect, refraining from bullying of any kind. Negative interactions, as they are brought to our attention, will be addressed by Lakeview staff to ensure all campers have a positive and uplifting experience.



A unique environment for experiencing God's love.

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(903) 538-2711

400 Private Road 6036
Palestine, TX 75801


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© 2024 by Lakeview Methodist Conference Center.

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